Thursday, October 15, 2009

How to properly configure CCcam ?

How to control number of cards in CCcam.cfg (avoid fake and unused cards and reduce number of cards)

All of you knows the way to block some fake and unused providers in CCcam:

no { 0:0:2, 100:3, 100:4, 100:5, 100:9, 100:c, 100, 100:f, 100:10, 100:11, 100:12, 100:19, 100:1c, 100:1d, 100:21, 100:25, 100:26, 100:31, 100:33, 100:34, 100:37, 100:64, 100:66, 100:67, 100:6b, 100:6d, 100:70, 100:71, 100:72, 100:73, 100:100, 100:8227, 100:beef, 100:ffff, 500:80, 500:500, 500:1570, 500:2100, 500:2500, 500:5500, 500:7000, 500:8000, 500:8c00, 500:8c10, 500:9c00, 500:a000, 500:c400, 500:c410, 500:e400, 500:10c00, 500:10c10, 500:10c20, 500:10c30, 500:11c00, 500:15000, 500:16400, 500:16800, 500:16810, 500:18c00, 500:19410, 500:1a400, 500:1ac00, 500:20a10, 500:20a20, 500:20a30, 500:20c00, 500:20c10, 500:20c20, 500:21510, 500:21570, 500:21c00, 500:22100, 500:22110, 500:50000, d00:4, d00:8, d00:14, d0c:c, d0c:10, d0c:14, d0c:18, d01:50, d01:54, d02:8c, d03:c8, d05:c, 1702:6a, 1800:4101, 1800:4901, 1800:7001, 1800:7101, 1800:7401, 1800:7501, 4a60:0, 4aa0:0 }
But this way you just block some of fake cards.

This is better and effective way to rid all of fake and nonworking cards and limit number of cards for each provider.
New C line shoud look like this:

no { 0:0:1, 100:6c:2, b00:0:2, 919:0:2, 961:0:2, 1702:0:2, 1702:1:2, 1702:2:2, 1702:3:2 }
0:0:1 means you recive hop 1 card from your peer.
, 100:6c:2, b00:0:2,....etc means that you recive hop 2 cards you choose.
To find what this numbers (100:6c:2) means you can look in  (red idents are fake and example C+NL (old) is old nonworking card ).

961:0:2 - SkyUK on hop 2
1702:0:2, 1702:1:2, 1702:2:2, 1702:3:2 - Premiere Full on hop 2
If your peer have SkyUK local you dont need to add it in C line 0:0:1 wil take his local card and you shoud ony choose what you want to take from him on hop 2.
Finaly your complete Line shod look like this:
F: test test 2 0 0 { 0:0:2 } { } { }
C: 12000 test1 test1 no { 0:0:1, 100:6c:2, b00:0:2, 919:0:2, 961:0:2, 1702:0:2, 1702:1:2, 1702:2:2, 1702:3:2 }
Cards you get in this example on hop 2 is : TV Vlaanderen, Digitalb/C+Nordic/MTV, SKY/UK & BSkyB, SKY/ITA and Premiere
{ } { } - This means the peer who send cline only can connect (if somebody stole his lines cant connect to you )

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